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Northern Light

Prayer Requests Page

Cornerstone Community Church would like to offer you this opportunity to share your prayer requests with us, since we are secluded from one another in these days of COVID-19. At the bottom of this post is a comment box. You may type your request in the comment box and then send it. Please include at the top of your comment whether you mean it to be public or private. Pastor Dale will review every comment and only those deemed public will show in the comments. Private requests will remain private.

We will be sharing with the church family via email and Facebook the existence of this prayer opportunity. Please feel free to make it available to others, keeping in mind that every request will be screened before being made public.


  • Patti Gamer

    Reply April 4, 2020 3:29 PM

    Please pray for my niece. She is a health care worker and contacted coronavirus. She was severely ill & sick for weeks.
    She is now doing better
    Our prayer request is that she would heal & be completely well.
    Her husband & daughter also got it from her, but they are now well.

  • Valerie Gustafson

    Reply April 7, 2020 6:11 PM

    Pray for my mom living in her apt at a senior facility. They now have there first covid 19 case and she has been on lockdown in her place. She can only leave her room once a day. Pray for her safety and health.

  • Patti Gamer

    Reply November 3, 2022 4:34 PM

    Please pray for my family. My sister Mary was killed Mon nite on the way home from seeing her family====
    on Hwy 694 in Mpls.
    A drunk man drove down the exit ramp the wrong way, Hit her head on.
    She was killed instantly. Her family and ours are stunned & feeling devastated.
    She has four grown children and 11 grandchildren who are grieving
    along with our family too.
    She was a strong believer & we know she is with the Lord in heaven. Pray for God’s comfort for all.
    Thank you.

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