In the Christmas season of 1927, 13 adults gathered in the living room of a local home and prayerfully decided to pursue becoming Grand Marais, Minnesota’s first Baptist church. Their interest was in Baptist practice and spirituality, an evangelical spirituality focused on God’s word and practiced freely by those with a like passion to know and serve Jesus Christ independent of the prescribed means loved and embraced by other fellowships that worshiped in the town at the time.
Their goal was not to become a “mega” church. Rather, they sought to be a faith-filled people whose lives were guided by God’s word and God’s Spirit to the glory of God and the exaltation of His Son, Jesus Christ. Much has changed in our town, our state, our nation, and our world since 1927, but this remains true of the people who, once known as First Baptist Church, now call themselves Cornerstone Community Church. Our individual and corporate hearts’ desire is that God would find us faithful and use us in His mission to “fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14.)
To this end, Cornerstone actively disciples our members through Bible teaching, preaching, and study, and through opportunities to serve, here in our community and around the world. We act to encourage one another to know God, love God, and serve God on His terms and for His glory. Cornerstone Community Church reaches out in faith both locally and globally, having sent church family members on mission to Thailand, Argentina, the Dominican Republic, Zambia, Vietnam, and Nepal. Currently, we are building a ministry relationship with Fountain of Christ School and Children’s Home ( in Fontaine, Haiti, near the city of Pignon.
You are welcome to explore our family. Our “What We Believe” page provides on overview of our working theological base. Other pages will give you glimpses into our life together in worship, study, prayer, and practice. Thank you for spending some time with us as we strive to spend our time for Jesus.