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1 Cedar Grove Lane PO Box 662 Grand Marais, MN 55604


Worship is the attitude and action of bringing ourselves to God and acknowledging the greatness of His glory in all that He is and all that He does. One of the many things God does for us, on account of Who He is, is to graciously provide the essentials for life as well as the extras for joy. He to Whom all that exists belongs shares with us what is His, and He does this sharing with us for His glory (so that we might see the glory of His generosity and love and love His glory as He does) and for our joy (so that we, through His provision for us, might share also in His delight in being God as caring for all He created and loves.)

So, here at Cornerstone, we recognize giving not primarily as a managerial act by which we support an agreed upon budget for the common good, but we love giving as an act of worship, of recognizing God’s glory and participating in His joy. We invite you, should you choose to use this page for giving, to make this an act of worship: an act of intentional humility and joy in which you recognize the Father’s faithfulness to you in all that you have of Him and through Him. Take a moment before you click a button and seek God’s heart for you in this very moment, and after you’ve given, stop. Take a minute and thank God for who He is and what He is doing in your life and the lives of other believers to spread the knowledge of His glory throughout the whole earth.

Thank you for supporting the ministries of Cornerstone Community Church. Thank you more for making this an act of worship.

Click the GIVE button below to make a one-time gift or to set-up recurring gifts. You can make your donation by Visa, Mastercard, American Express or echeck (from your bank account).