Passion Week 2021 Sermon Outlines
The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ are foundational to the entire scope of Christian experience. Salvation, which includes the forgiveness of sin and God’s gift of eternal life; sanctification, the ongoing life changing, heart transforming, will conforming work of the Holy Spirit; and glorification, the eventual and ultimate imposition of every promise of God in all His glory on the human person, all of these rely upon the sinless life, substitutionary, atoning death, and God-certifying resurrection of Jesus. We focus on the specific events at the end of Jesus’ earthly life, his crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection during what is commonly called, “Passion Week.” It is the week that includes Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Resurrection (Easter) Sunday.
Listed below are the sermon outline for these three services in March and April 2021.
2021-3-28 Palm Sunday “When King Jesus Comes Calling” Outline (Mark 11:1-11)
Video Link: When King Jesus Comes Calling
2021-3-28 “When King Jesus Comes Calling” Full Manuscript (Mark 11:1-11)
2021-4-2 Good Friday “The Most Important New To Which You Will Ever Respond”
Video Link: The Most Important new to Which You Will Ever Respond
2021-4-4 Resurrection Sunday “Angelic Instructions for Able Witnesses” (Mark 16:1-8)